A Marvelous Feast at Florissant Valley

By. Anthony Pickens

A crowded line of students and staff preoccupied 
the multi purpose room at Florissant Valley
Community College on March 10th
Photo by Stephen Johnson
The occasion was the celebration of its yearly Caribbean festival. 
The event was free of charge for all students and staff as large lines of 
people waited patiently in line for the taste of cold refreshments, 
red beans and rice, fresh baked chicken and much more. 
Photo by Stephen Johnson
The smell of hot and ready-to-eat food filled the air as great Caribbean music helped to create a great atmosphere. Split coconuts, pineapples, and candle lights provided great scenery as the dimmed lights helped to give the mood of being on a Caribbean cruise ship. 
Photo by Stephen Johnson
Overall, it was a great event and a marvelous feast for the students and faculty of Florissant Valley.
