Become A Member Of The Student Government Association

BY DEE BRANDY of the Forum
Do you want to get involved in government? Do you want to be President of a corporation but unsure how to run a board? Well I have the answer for you! St. Louis Community College at Florissant Valley Student Government Association wants you! Here is an opportunity to learn Roberts Rules of Order and Parliamentary procedures for running a board while enhancing and developing your leadership skills for school and for your career.
To be considered for an officer’s position, such as president, vice president, chief executive officer, Programming council officer, secretary, and SGA representative at large, you have to submit an application in the Campus Life Office by the deadline, approximately two weeks after the school semester has started. This fall semester it was September 4, 2012. Just in case two or more people are running for the same position, there is a small amount of campaigning. The student body votes for the candidates they feel will represent the campus in its best image. The top eight students elected must give a 2-3 minute speech about why someone feels they are a good fit for the position. The speech is given to the SGA Board, consisting of the previous officers and a representative from each of the clubs and organizations at the meeting. The SGA Board makes the final vote by secret ballot which is counted and announced to the board. Immediately after the new officers have been elected, they are sworn in and commence serving their one year term in office.
A few additional requirements for being an SGA Officer and Representative at Large are the student must be taking a minimum of six credit hours, be available to attend the SGA meetings and the officers meeting held every Tuesday between the hours of 1:00pm – 3:00pm. Other requirements include some travel out of town, which is required during the fall and spring semesters to expand and enhance your leadership skills, be comfortable in being in the public’s eye to lead the SGA events on and off campus, and encourage the members of the board and students of the campus to participate in the different activities and events. You will also work closely with the Campus Life Office Staff members, especially with Gwen Nixon, manager of Campus Life. If you feel you can meet these small requirements and are enthusiastically charged to have a fulfilling experience with your fellow students, I invite you to take a leap of faith.
