Campus Library Celebrates Gettysburg Address Anniversary

Above: Jeff Papier reads at the podium.
Photo by Travonte Harris.
By Travonte Harris

Various staff members gathered in front of the library on November 19 to celebrate the 150-year anniversary of the Gettysburg address.  This speech is one of the most reconized and celebrated speeches in history. President Abraham Lincoln delivered it on Thursday, November 19, 1863. The Gettysburg address marked the end of the Civil War, a war that divided our country and pitted brother against brother. Bringing an end to a painful and bloody war and at only 272 words, this speech broke down barriers and changed the world.

A few staff members took to the podium as they recited this speech. This included Jeff Papier, Michela Walsh and Sharon Fox.  The speech was documented on film by Media Services’ Mary Caldwell as a reminder of its importance as well as Florissant Valley’s place in celebrating it. Catherine Reilly from Library Services organized the event.  Various students were offered the opportunity to recite the speech. Some people stood by and watched.

The Gettysburg speech changed this country for the better and it was a very exciting thing to see Florissant Valley’s staff organizing this and allowing us to celebrate change, as well as giving students the opportunity to join in. I was pleased when they offered me the opportunity to recite the speech. I was nervous, but I accepted. It was a valuable experience to relive history and an amazing feeling.  
