Spiritually Mardi Gras

By Edward Davis
Jean Baptiste Le Moyne, credited for much of the existence of Mari Gras probably had no idea just how spiritually excepted the krewes style celebration would be. Being of French-Canadian dissent, Le Moyne established what is celebrated by Zulu, Indian, German, and even Roman cultures today. As a matter of fact. Ealier history than Le Moyne, though not documented was said to exist in Rome. Krewes or costumed parades from various cultures make Madi Gras more spiritual than just a drunken orgy of indulgence that has over shadowed the ritzy ball celebrations of medieval days and Krewes rituals and colorful parades of many celebrators of the 17 and 1800’s. 
For more information, visit ww.mardigrasneworleans.com/parades.html
