Flo Valley SABC Budget Meetings

By Devese Ursery of the Forum

At noon, on Friday, Sept. 28, in the Multipurpose Room, the Student Government Association conducted its annual Students Activity Budget Committee (SABC) Meeting. Advisors and representatives of 30 clubs were in attendance to request and cast votes for funds to attend their various conventions and conferences for the entire year. Preparations for the budget meeting started at the beginning of the school semester. All advisors were notified a week prior to the meeting. Advisors were mandated to request funds by submitting an application, at least two weeks prior to the SABC process.
 The SGA Constitution and By-Laws determine club eligibility. They are as follows:
1. A club must have 10 active members that have a GPA of 2.0 or higher.
2.  Club meetings must be held at least once a month.
3. Advisors must be available to attend all events and travel with the students.
4.A club must have representation at SGA weekly meetings.
Anyone is allowed to sit in and listen at the budget meeting, but only club representatives are allowed to vote and ask questions on the distribution of funds, conferences and events that each club will attend. They were also allowed to ask questions about the number of club members attending the event, transportation to and from the event, as well as the mode of transportation, lodging and any other club activities planned to raise funds for the event
The SABC budget is $70,000 that is allotted to all clubs each school year, if requested by the deadline. Each club that requests funds has to match the requested amount, dollar for dollar. There are several procedural steps that have to take place before a club can request funds. First and foremost, a club has to be active. Advisors have to do research on where the event will be held, where the hotel is located, cost of transportation and the mode of transportation to be used, along with other fees and costs that have to be filled out in great detail on the request form.    There are a collection of guiding principles and eligibility standards that students and club sponsors must maintain as the budget committee assesses their budget requests. They must encourage the following:
· Multi-cultural programming.
· Leadership training cooperation through activities.
·  Tying programming to club specifics or club relevant events.
· Programming that creates awareness in culture and the arts.
· Programming that provides for collaboration with academic departments and other campus departments.
· Off campus affiliation.
· Student involvement in/with both the campus and off campus community.
· Student participation and awareness in campus clubs, organizations and activities.
· Unique forms of programming that are relevant to the club purpose.
· Civic responsibility in all aspects.
With former SGA president, Donna Brandy and newly appointed SGA president, Rajeem Pearson the SABC proceedings were held in an orderly fashion, with little to no mistakes.
