STLCC Celebrates MLK Day (Photos)

An advertisement for the MLK Day Celebration. Entitled Advancing The Dream: Healing Our Divisions, the event celebrated the life and work of civil rights activist Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. while also discussing ways to move forward in today's society while still staying true to his ideals. Doctor King was known as a non-violent figure of the civil rights movement during the fifties and sixties and believed in equality for all people of all kinds.

Lonetta Oliver, an FVCC English professor, accompanied by an American Sign Language interpreter, gives a speech at the campus MLK Day celebrations in the Terry M. Fischer Theatre. The event also featured several speakers such as Rabbi Susan Talve as well as a performance by the Christ Our Redeemer AME Choir and 3 Central. In the print edition of the Forum, Professor Oliver was incorrectly identified as Gwendolyn Nixon. We apologize for the confusion.
