Wellness Goes Physical For Spring Students

by Sarah Hayes of the Forum

The Physical Education building is now the best place for students to shoot some hoops or do a little walking between classes. As part of a Campus Wellness program, the Physical Education Department will be hosting open gym events on campus for students, staff, and faculty alike. The program is to promote and enhance wellness opportunities on campus and make them available to those interested. These events will take place during the first eight weeks of the spring semester, from January 25th to March 8th.

On Fridays, the gym will be open for basketball and Matt McVey will supervise this activity. The PE Department will provide basketballs for all participants. On Mondays and Thursdays, the gym will be open for walking and Wayne Bryan will supervise this activity. This will be for those who wish to walk laps around the open gym. Students may bring their personal mp3 player or other music device with them as long as they also bring ear buds or headphones to use with them. Proper walking clothes and shoes are also needed to participate.

Those wishing to participate will be required to sign a waiver on their first day and present their school issued identification each day they attend. Students will also be required to bring a copy of their spring 2013 class schedule so it can be kept on file along with their signed waiver. They will also be asked to wear tennis shoes for both activities so as to not mark the gym floor. Street shoes will not be allowed in the gym.

Students will be expected to follow the standard campus behavior code, including manner, dress, and conversation while in the PE building. Those who do not follow the campus code of behavior will be asked to leave or will be removed by PE Department officials from the Campus Wellness activities. For more information, students and staff can go to the Physical Education building office in PE 205.
