St. Louis Community College at Florissant Valley will present “Drawing FergUSon Together: A Vision of Peace” Sept. 18-19 on campus, 3400 Pershall Road in Ferguson.

A summit titled “Peace is Not the Absence of Protest: A Social Justice Summit” is slated 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 18. It will open with a keynote address by John Aaron, CEO and founder of Chalk4Peace. The address will be followed by breakout sessions focusing on models for building peace, immersion experiences, and organizing and empowering community, among others.
Some of the presenters for the day include the Urban League, Faces Not Forgotten, Earthdance, STLCC’s African-American Male Initiative, the Ferguson Youth Initiative, and Educators for Social Justice. The participant will reconvene at the end of the day for collective closing ceremony and a closing address by Judy Ryan, CEO of Lifework Systems.  

There is a $20 fee for conference attendance on Friday to cover breakfast and lunch for the participants. Advanced registration is required. Scholarships are available; inquiries should be directed to Janice Nesser-Chu at

Saturday’s activities, which free and open to the public, run 11 a.m.-3 p.m., will feature a community celebration led by the international Chalk4Peace organization. The day’s activities include chalking, music, information and activities for children. Activities will feature the Women’s Caucus for Art, Chalk4Peace, alpha Players, the St. Louis County Library, Tru7Prz Ministries, and the Urban League. 
The exhibition “Cornrows of America,” featuring the work of C’babi Bayoc, will be on view in the Gallery, with a special visit with the artist. 
Event cosponsors include the Women’s Caucus for Art and Chalk4Peace.

More information and a complete schedule of events, visit
